To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More

To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More
On a day forecasted to be 100 plus degrees we thought a hike up Angels Rest would be the perfect way to spend the morning. Since we are a little over a month out from Hiking the South Sister the elevation and heat is a good way to train. Read More
On a very rainy Sunday we hiked the Siouxon Creek Trail. Read More
Our best bud Will has been long distance for a while now… I guess medical school is a good excuse to move away for a few years. He has spent the last two years at Tuoro University working towards becoming a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine! Read More
This year we added another snow sport to our repertoire, snowshoeing! The first outing was a great adventure with good friends. With the snow level going up and down we decided to try the highest snopark in Oregon, Gold Lake. It was a very long drive to the top of the Willamette Pass and it rained the whole way there….. Read More
2015 was a fantastic year.
May 2016 be a year of continued adventures and love!
This summer we tried to get out on the bikes as much as we could. We spent our days riding back roads around the Valley, treking to the oregon coast, and even heading over the pass to Bend to celebrate Jeremy’s 40th. Read More
Rob, Brent and I decided to adventure into the Salmonberry River area of the Tillamook State Forest to explore what was once a bustling train corridor linking the Port of Tillamook the Portland. Read More
What a better way to ring in 2015 than some time on the mountain!
2014 was an amazing year! Though we put away the camera this year and tried to live in the moment there are lot’s of adventures and memories that we will have forever. The pictures we do have are of joy and life which is all we can ask for.
Those of you that know us know that the craft of the cocktail is an art form that we like to explore at the Scrivner household. An evening drinking here is more about the taste experience and quality than anything else. The love started in 2010 with brewing beer at the Graven’s house with Will and Ken. While the brewing was fun and the boys were enjoying exploring the world of beers our interests as a group quickly evolved into cocktails, with a little spurring from Ken of course.
What fun would a weekend be without a little insanity…