To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More

To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More
On a very rainy Sunday we hiked the Siouxon Creek Trail. Read More
We decided a nice hike in the gorge would be the best way to spend a weekend so Brent and I packed up our gear and headed east. Since we haven’t done big hikes this summer we used the Angels Rest to Devils Rest Loop Hike as a training hike and loaded our bags down heavy. The total hike is about 11 miles, with overall elevation gain of 2770…
This weekend we ventured out for a midday hike along the beautiful Opal Creek. Nestled in the foothills of the Cascades the hike follows the old mining road up the creek to the historic mining town of Jawbone Flats (currently managed as an environmental education center). Along the way there were the remains of an era long gone, complete with quite the collection of trucks.
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For the last day of the Independence Day long weekend we took a family hike to Silver Creek State Park. Walking under and around the falls is always a show of extreme beauty. We took the roughly 10 miles of trail all around the park and afterwards wound down with a picnic lunch and a game of bocce ball!
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For the Independence Day holiday Will, Jesi, and Brent went on a moderate 5 mile hike in the Gorge to Wahkeena Falls, Multnomah Falls, and many others! The trail goes by 10 waterfalls in total, and the entire Gorge area is beautiful.
Afterwards we all went back to Portland to have dinner and watch the waterfront fireworks. Great day!
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After a few long days at the hospital with our grandfather we decide brunch and a nice adventure would do us some good. Jeremy, Jason, Lisalyn, Brent and I loaded up in the car and headed for the snowy falls.
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This morning we got up early to try to beat a forecasted snow storm, packed the SUV with survival gear and a picnic, and hit the road for a snowy waterfall adventure to Salt Creek Falls. The falls are one of the most spectacular in Oregon hurtling 286 feet into a gaping canyon near the top of Willamette Pass. Little did I know that just before the snow began to fall I was in for an amazing surprise.
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