To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More

To avoid the poison oak of the Gorge we have decided it was time to try some trails on Mount Hood. On Sunday we hiked up East Zigzag Mountain with Rob and Ashley. I think we may have found one of our new favorite hikes of the year so far. Read More
For Superbowl Sunday we decided to get outside and enjoy the snow. We chose Trillium Lake in the hopes that it wouldn’t be too busy. Read More
So far this year we climbed two amazing mountains, Half Dome and the South Sister…. So let’s make it three!
For labor day weekend we decided to head to Bend and relax in some sunny dry weather. I had been to Newberry National Volcanic Monument several times but the only memories I have there are of a snow covered landscape riding our snowmobiles up to the peak. So this time, Brent and I decided to make the hike up the Peak and check out the obsidian flows.
Instead of going camping like we had originally planned we decided to climb the South Sister. We loaded up the car and headed to Devils Lake for an early start to beat the heat. From the trail head to the peak of the South Sister is 6 miles with an elevation gain of about 5000 feet to the final elevation of 10,358 feet. Known as “Grace” the South Sister is the youngest and tallest of the three sisters.
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This weekend we ventured out for a midday hike along the beautiful Opal Creek. Nestled in the foothills of the Cascades the hike follows the old mining road up the creek to the historic mining town of Jawbone Flats (currently managed as an environmental education center). Along the way there were the remains of an era long gone, complete with quite the collection of trucks.
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For the last day of the Independence Day long weekend we took a family hike to Silver Creek State Park. Walking under and around the falls is always a show of extreme beauty. We took the roughly 10 miles of trail all around the park and afterwards wound down with a picnic lunch and a game of bocce ball!
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A week before Memorial day we were offered the opportunity to climb Half Dome, who wouldn’t say yes? The climb was an amazing adventure for us all full of spectacular views and good company.
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Took a long weekend over to Smith Rock and snapped some pictures of the gorgeous landscape. Walking past all the climbers makes me miss rock climbing; I’ll have to get back into it someday. We took the Misery Ridge trail up one side and went down and around the back.
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After a few long days at the hospital with our grandfather we decide brunch and a nice adventure would do us some good. Jeremy, Jason, Lisalyn, Brent and I loaded up in the car and headed for the snowy falls.
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